Tuesday, March 23, 2010

An Invitation to Follow

Dads are leaders in their families.  Dads are men who lead in many ways - with words, with actions, with looks, in the friends we choose, in the way we talk about work.  We lead in many ways; and in as many ways we leave an impact.

We lead by giving an invitation to our kids to follow us.

Following dad means going in the same direction he is going.  The choices we make will likely inspire our children to make the same choices.  When we are respectful of mom, our children treat their mom with care and consideration and love.  When we model diligence in our work, our children follow by applying themselves to their work (schooling).  When we are pure, content, loving, and thankful, our children follow by showing those characteristics themselves.

Following dad means choosing to give up a path they may want for themselves.  We need to encourage and allow our children to find their place in the world, but not at the expense of their safety or character, or with disrespect being paid to another.  Following dad means listening to his direction and discipline.  Being worthy of being followed means dads will give timely direction and respectful discipline that encourages a child to follow.

Following dad means staying focused on him and not being distracted by other "leaders" around.  Many things will vie for our child's attention.  Truly following means our child stays with us, and doesn't stray from us.  They may have other influences, but the key thing is that they can always come home to a dad who gives them attention.  They always have our attention, whether things are going well or things are going rough.

But all of us follow who we respect.  Be a man worthy of the  respect, trust, and affection of your child.  Be the leader your child needs you to be.

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