Strategies for Working with Fathers

Brian offers training and professional development workshops on father and family issues.  Contact him if you are interested.

It’s a Dad’s Life:  Understanding and Supporting Men in the Journey as Fathers

  • Key strategies and best practices for working with men in agencies and programs are offered.  This workshop can either be a half-day or full-day and provides you with tools for understanding the experiences of fathers and how to best reinforce the value of their role in the healthy development of children.

Working with Moms

  • Moms can understand the vital role a father has in the family.  Though many moms undermine or undervalue his role.  This workshop provides a practical conversation about what moms need to know about dads and how to encourage moms to let dad be more involved.

Father-friendliness:   Assessment and Action

  • It is fine to talk about the importance of father involvement, but without clear steps and strategies all good intentions will fail.  This workshop lets you take some time to assess the “father friendliness” of your organization and practice, and offers opportunity to come up with an action plan for providing services to dads.

Not Just the Moms:  Understanding Post-partum Depression in Men

  • Though often assumed to be an issue many moms face, PPD impacts dads in many ways.  This workshop offers ideas for how dads can best support moms with PPD and offers insight into dads who experience PPD themselves - it is not only a mom’s issue.

Domestic Violence

  • Understanding the impact of violence in the family and taking steps to engage fathers and families struggling with this is a key service you can bring to the community.